Wednesday, October 16, 2013

        Eighth grade has been okay so far. There were moments when I wished I was in seventh grade again, but there is still so much of the school year to go. Eighth grade is more challenging for me which I like, because I use to get bored in seventh grade. This year I am on two teams. For those of you who don't go to Northern, teams are when you have all your classes in a certain hallway and have classes with everyone else on your team. Plus, everyone has the same teachers on your team. So, like I said before I am on two teams, Achieve and Discover. My locker is in one of  the downstairs hallway and I have one class in that hallway, but all of my other classes are upstairs. Which means a lot of walking up and down. Yep, I'm lazy!
        Not everything about eighth grade is bad. Last year I was on the team Dreamcatchers, which is upstairs so I didn't really get to meet any people except for those who were on my team. Being on two teams allows me to meet more people. Also, being in eighth grade allows me to have more freedom. I already know the school from last year and I know a lot of teachers. There are many teachers that I could just run into their room and ask to print something out or ask them to help me with something. What I'm saying is I have a stronger bond with the teachers. Of course you have to love eighth grade because now it's only one more year until high school. That would be another reason why I would be upset because it is only one more year until high school and sometimes I miss just being a little kid. Haha but you have to love who you are and you can always be that little kid inside!
       To put something positive on the internet (since there's so many negative things) life has been really good this year. I would like to change some stuff about my life, but there will always be situations that somebody will want to change. My grades are good, I love my family, and I'm loving my life. One thing that is the best is my family. My sister just came back from college and now all seven of us are back together. It is fun having her around, especially since she is my only sister and the rest of my siblings are guys and I feel that I'm a closer to her. My family is really supportive in what I do and they help to encourage me to live my life in the best ways possible! I have the best family ever!

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